There is no such thing as a typical vegan – we come from all walks of life! And nothing proves this better than our inspiring team of Ambassadors. From athletes and authors, to film stars and farmers, they are shining examples of people thriving on a plant-based diet!
“I am vegan, I feel fabulous, and I have the energy to slay it on camera every single time. Veganuary’s 31-day pledge helps you make a smooth transition to a plant-based diet, for your health, for animals and for the planet. Join my squad, try vegan today!”
Choosing to be plant based is not about a diet, it’s about choosing a lifestyle which is morally sound. As humans we have the ability for moral and rational thought – unlike other animals. So if we can live happy and healthy lives without hurting someone else, why wouldn’t we?
Musician and actor
I turned vegan after watching a documentary about the way that eggs are produced, and also hearing information on the environmental impact of factory farmed dairy. I had already been vegetarian for years for similar reasons. I recognize it’s a process, but it is one that is easier than ever today, and one that should surely be considered by the privileged to help lower impact on the planet and promote compassionate and mindful lifestyle.
Singer-Songwriter and Activist
“The livestock sector contributes more than 60% of all food-system greenhouse gasses. That’s a lot of pressure on our planet, but by replacing meat consumption with plant-based foods, together, we can give the Earth a fighting chance.”
“I have never eaten meat in my entire life and turned vegan 17 years ago. I was successfully able to build top of the world level muscle and endurance and not only survive but thrive in the -50C temperatures on top of Everest, not just once, but twice! Goes to show that no animal needs to suffer or die for our dreams to come true.”
“If you can live a happy, strong and healthy life without harming animals and nature, then why wouldn’t you?”
Singer-music composer
“Just like the COVID pandemic, the ethical, health and planetary implications of farming animals is an enormous challenge that humanity is facing. Following a vegan lifestyle is a really effective way of addressing these challenges”
“I don’t need animals harmed to live my life. Veganism is that simple..”
Actor. Pro 3×3 baller.
“Turning vegan has been the single best decision of my life from the standpoint of my wellbeing, athleticism, look, spiritual growth and just an overall sense of being a better person. I can’t put it any simpler.”
“I make sure to eat a balanced plant based diet to get all the nutrients my body needs, but I haven’t given up on my favourite foods. I veganize them, and it is simpler than you think! If you’re still unsure about whether you can sustain a vegan lifestyle, try Veganuary’s 31 day pledge, which will help you make the transition easily. Believe me, you will never look back”
“I’ve loved Veganuary’s work for a long time because I know, having been a vegetarian who was intimidated by veganism, that so many people just won’t start because they think it’s too hard and that they’re going to fail. And Veganuary presents you an opportunity to do it with other people, with a community, and it’s not saying it’s a lifelong commitment, it’s saying ‘try it for a month and see how you feel’.”
Pro tennis player
“I turned vegan because I did not want to hurt animals. But I now know that my diet can save the planet, feed millions of hungry people and help me perform at my best. So why don’t you give it a try?”
“If you look at the climate crisis or the violence of our food system and feel helpless, thinking ‘I wish there was something I could do’- you can. Right now. Sign up to try vegan this January.”
“I’ve been vegetarian for over 40 years and have stayed with it because I believe that every meat-free meal is a win for animals and the planet. This is why I started Meat Free Monday with my daughters Mary and Stella, and it’s also why I support Veganuary. We’re all trying to make the world a bit better, so why not sign up, take part, give it a go, and see how you feel? It could be the best thing you ever did.”
Wildlife TV Presenter
“As I’ve become more and more aware of our impact, the impact our diet has on the environment – and of course the species that live in it – I’ve become increasingly concerned to minimise the negative aspects of that impact.”
“Do you have a sense that you’d like to switch to a healthier, cleaner, kinder diet, but need more information? Ask questions, try things, do research, and make decisions based on facts, but don’t discount your feelings either. Veganuary is a great place to start exploring!”
Winner: Germany’s Strongest Man 2011
“Switching to a plant-based diet was one of the best decisions of my life – not only from an athletic perspective. I would recommend that everyone try it. Ideally right now in January.”
Professional Rugby Player
“On the pitch I feel fitter, I have a lot more energy in the mornings which helps me cope for training more, so a lot better in it all. I’m mentally clearer as well.”
“I’ve been involved with Veganuary now for a few years, from getting to know everyone involved and not only is it a good campaign for the fact that it’s not a militant ‘you’re wrong – you need to change your life’ sort of campaign. It’s a really nice, inclusive campaign. It tells people ‘why don’t you just give it a go and see how you feel?”
Olympic Volleyball Player
“Vegan for my body and mind, the animals and the future. It’s a decision that is in our control and everyone benefits.”
TV & Radio Presenter
“My advice for those people thinking about taking part in Veganuary is do it. Why not? There couldn’t be a better time. If you want to help the planet, if you want to help the animals, if you want to help yourself then now is the perfect time.”
New York City Mayor
“No matter what your past habits or family traditions might have been, you always have the power to choose to eat healthier. You can incorporate foods that tie into your heritage while reinventing comfort food the way it was always intended: as healing for the mind, body, and soul. Try vegan this Veganuary!”
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