Frequently Asked Questions

Please help us by reviewing the common questions below before you get in touch. Your question may already be answered!

How many people participated in Veganuary 2024?

Veganuary directly supported more than 1.8 million people to try vegan for a month with our free resources.

To enable people to participate in the campaign in ways that suit their lifestyle in an ever-changing world, Veganuary now offers its support and guidance in multiple formats, including 31 daily coaching emails, which people sign up for on the website, a weekly podcast, a series of 31 daily coaching videos on YouTube, social media channels in English, German, Spanish and Portuguese, as well as retail products including the brand new Official Veganuary Cookbook.

Globally, more than 1.8 million people chose to actively receive Veganuary’s resources and support via one or more of these channels. But even this huge number is likely to be just a fraction of the people actually taking part in Veganuary. We commissioned several YouGov surveys in our core campaign countries to establish the percentage of people who report having taken part in Veganuary during January 2024.

Based on these results and the current population estimates for each country, Veganuary has calculated that roughly 25 million people worldwide chose to try vegan this January.

Find out more about the Veganuary 2024 campaign results here.

Interested in the results from Veganuary campaigns?

Since launching in 2014, millions of people all over the world have officially signed up to take part in Veganuary. For more information about participation, official Veganuary survey results, product launches and global media coverage, check out our Campaign Reports and Press Releases.

Is palm oil vegan?

Read our full thoughts on the palm oil debate.

Is honey vegan?

Honey is an animal product, so vegans (by the official definition) don’t eat it. Read more about why honey is not vegan.

What is cultivated meat?

Learn more about cultivated meat technology and how it can help end animal suffering and protect the planet.

Is it ok to eat eggs from backyard hens?

This is a topic of great debate which we explore on our blog. Have a read on our thoughts on whether it’s okay to eat eggs from backyard hens.

Want to share your business or product related news with us?

Please email with your updates and requests and our team will be in touch with you shortly.

Are you a vegan-friendly business looking to work with us?

Drop an email to our Corporate Outreach on and our team will review your request. If it piques our interest, we’ll get back to you shortly.

Need help and support with going vegan?

If you want to know the best creamer to use in your coffee, or how to deal with non-vegan colleagues, sign up to try Veganuary now and gain access to our invite-only Facebook Group. You’ll meet thousands of new friends who can offer the answers and moral support you need.

I have a medical condition/question and have a nutritional query. Can you help?

Veganuary is not a medical organization and we are not medical professionals, so unfortunately we cannot provide any type of medical advice to our participants. If you have a concern about your health, we strongly suggest speaking to your GP or a registered dietician who is sympathetic to plant-based eating. You can also find information on vegan-friendly doctors and dieticians here and here.

Looking to volunteer with us?

As we are a charity and run purely on donations, if you have a special skill or profession that you feel could help us – thank you! Please email your CV and an overview of how you would like to support us to and we’ll get back to you when your skills are needed!

Got a question about donations?

Whether you already donate to Veganuary or you’re interested in learning more about supporting our work, please email us at [email protected] and we’d be happy to help. We can assist you with any questions about donations, including how to cancel a regular gift or adjust the amount you currently give. Thank you so much for your support.