Could you help Veganuary protect animals and the planet long into the future? A gift in your Will could do just that.
When considering writing or updating your Will, you’ll want to ensure that your loved ones are taken care of first and foremost, but you may then be inspired to leave a gift to a charitable cause dear to your heart.
A small gift to Veganuary could ensure that your passions for reducing animal suffering and protecting forests, oceans and ecosystems will live on through our work for years to come. If you’d like to discuss the possibility of leaving a gift in your Will to Veganuary please don’t hesitate to contact us at Any discussion you have with us will not put you under any obligation whatsoever.
If you’ve already decided that you would like to leave a gift to Veganuary, thank you so much! If you’re happy to share this with us, we’d be most grateful if you could let us know by emailing Hearing from supporters who plan to leave us a legacy helps us plan our work a little better. However, we understand that this is a very personal decision and you may not wish to disclose it.
We recommend you get advice from a solicitor about preparing your Will, however you may find the template text below useful for including Veganuary as a beneficiary.
Wording for a specific sum (a pecuniary legacy):
“I direct my executor(s) to pay to Veganuary, a charity registered in England and Wales under Charity Number 1168566, having its registered office at PO Box 771, York, YO1 0LJ, the sum of £__ (__ POUNDS STERLING).”
Wording for a share of residue (the balance of your estate after the payment of debts, expenses, tax and any legacies):
“I direct my executor(s) to make over the residue of my estate to Veganuary, a charity registered in England and Wales under Charity Number 1168566, having its registered office at PO Box 771, York, YO1 0LJ.”*
*If you wish to give a specific percentage or share of the residue of your estate, this should be specified e.g. “make over a one half share of the residue of my estate”. Where the residue is being shared between charitable and non-charitable beneficiaries, consideration should be given as to how any inheritance tax is to be borne.
“I direct my executor(s) to make over to Veganuary, a charity registered in England and Wales under Charity Number 1168566, having its registered office at PO Box 771, York, YO1 0LJ, my __ (clear details of the specific item).”
Whether bequeathing a specific sum, residue/share of residue or a specific gift, the following additional clauses should also be included:
“Unless otherwise specified any legacy granted by any writing shall be paid or made over as soon as my executor(s) consider(s) practicable after my death, free of taxes in respect of my death and of expenses, but without interest.
If any legatee or beneficiary has changed its name or has amalgamated with or transferred its assets to any other body, or has been wrongly designed, or has ceased to exist, or is in liquidation or is no longer operating, then my executor(s) shall give effect to such legacy as if it had been made to such body with similar purposes as my executor(s) may in their sole discretion decide.
The receipt of an authorised official of any body shall be a sufficient discharge to my executor(s).”
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