I’m totally bowl obsessed right now! Almost every dinner is a bowl, involving some wonderful mixture of flavours and textures. The great thing about bowls is that they’re healthy, filling, easy to make, and every one tastes different so you don’t get bored. This is my current favourite one.
Prep Time: 20 minutes (approximately)
Cooking Time: 90 minutes (approximately)
Top tip! If you don’t already own it then you must go and buy Isa Does It by Isa Chandra Moskowitz, as she has an entire section on bowl food and every recipe is just wonderful. And quick! Her recipes have literally changed my life.
I haven’t included amounts here as you’re basically making to serve, so enough kale for however many people etc. etc.
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I’m totally bowl obsessed right now! Almost every dinner is a bowl, involving some wonderful mixture of flavours and textures. The great thing about bowls is that they’re healthy, filling, easy to make, and every one tastes different so you don’t get bored. This is my current favourite one.
Prep Time: 20 minutes (approximately)
Cooking Time: 90 minutes (approximately)
Top tip! If you don’t already own it then you must go and buy Isa Does It by Isa Chandra Moskowitz, as she has an entire section on bowl food and every recipe is just wonderful. And quick! Her recipes have literally changed my life.
I haven’t included amounts here as you’re basically making to serve, so enough kale for however many people etc. etc.
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