Survey Results! Veganuary: Six Months On

We survey our participants at twice-yearly intervals as part of our commitment to improving and developing Veganuary; once immediately after January, and again six months later.

We use feedback from these surveys to create new resources and web content, and collate the statistical data to track Veganuary’s impact.

In July 2015 we released our Veganuary: Six Months On survey and we’re absolutely delighted to publish the key results!

How many of you have stayed vegan since January 2015?

At the end of January, 51% of survey respondents said that they were going to remain vegan after Veganuary.

Six months on, 49% of survey respondents have stayed vegan!

49% of survey respondents have stayed vegan since January 2015.

Have you influenced anyone else to go vegan?

(To those who have stayed vegan)

More than half of those who have stayed vegan have influenced at least one other person to give it a try! Data like this will help us to analyse the Veganuary ‘ripple effect’, which we have only ever had anecdotal evidence of until now.


Have you felt any improvement in your health since being vegan?

At Veganuary’s conclusion, 71% of you reported an improvement in health.

This has increased to 76% after being vegan for six months!


Stay tuned for more Veganuary: Six Months On survey results…

Thinking of trying vegan?

Veganuary inspires and supports people all over the world to try vegan for January and beyond. Millions of people have already taken part.
Will you join them?

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