Vegan Meal Plans

Designed to help you transition to a vegan diet, with a week’s worth of breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and desserts included in each.
Meal plans are great for new and transitioning vegans.

You’ll discover new foods, make new routines and feel less anxious. Over time, planning becomes less important as vegan life becomes as comfortable as anything you’ve ever known. But in the early days, meal plans can really help to provide variety and flavour in your diet, and are great for boosting confidence. You may even want to create your own using our Blank Meal Plan.

Please note:

  • Every recipe can be downloaded in printable format, and each meal plan has a space at the bottom for your own notes.
  • Some basic nutritional detail is included with these plans. We recommend that you read through our vegan recipes before taking part in Veganuary.
  • We’ve not included fruit and nuts as snack options, as these plans are designed to build up your culinary repertoire and introduce you to new ideas. However, fruit and nuts – being easily available and portable – make fantastic snacks, and are the healthiest way to beat mid-morning or afternoon tummy rumbles.

Thinking of trying vegan?

Veganuary inspires and supports people all over the world to try vegan for January and beyond. Millions of people have already taken part.
Will you join them?