Veganuary and The 30-Day Vegan Challenge

We’re delighted to announce that we’ve teamed up with the wonderfully inspirational Colleen Patrick-Goudreau to offer Veganuary participants ongoing support, information and teaching.


For those of you who may not yet be familiar with her work, Colleen is an acclaimed author and speaker. Known as the Joyful Vegan, she is a recognised expert on the culinary, social, ethical, and practical aspects of living vegan.

Colleen has combined her years of knowledge into her what could easily be described as her best work to date (and that’s saying something!) – The 30-Day Vegan Challenge.

“But wait!” we hear you cry, “We’ve just done Veganuary, how is this any different?”

Once purchased, you can access the information, videos, podcasts, recipes community forum, and any new tools and resources added, whenever and wherever you want. Your subscription lasts a lifetime.

What’s more, to show her support for Veganuary, Colleen is giving 50% of every sale back to us.

When you buy The 30-Day Vegan Challenge you are investing in yourself, in Veganuary and in your commitment to a more compassionate way of life.

For only $39.99 USD or £26.25 GPB (current exchange rate) you can get started today!

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Thinking of trying vegan?

Veganuary inspires and supports people all over the world to try vegan for January and beyond. Millions of people have already taken part.
Will you join them?