Join Billie Eilish in Gifting Vegan Meals During COVID-19

The restaurant industry has taken a major hit as they’ve been asked to shut their doors for safety during the COVID-19 crisis, and our favorite vegan restaurants are no exception. At the same time, the resources of hospitals, homeless shelters, and senior centers are stretched incredibly thin.

Support + Feed was created by Grammy award-winning vegan artist Billie Eilish and her mom, Maggie Baird, to ensure that a wide range of vulnerable people are catered to safely during COVID-19 and that local vegan restaurants are able to make enough money to pay their staff.
The concept is simple: donate a meal through your favorite plant-based restaurant. The restaurant benefits from much-needed income, and the food goes to help people and institutions in need.

Starting this week, Support + Feed will work with 11 Los Angeles vegan restaurants to deliver meals to major hospitals, food shelters, housing and women’s shelters, senior centers, and police stations.

Get Involved

If you’re currently in a position to support this effort and wish to get involved, simply choose and click on a restaurant from the list below. Once on their site, look for “Order,” or some mention of “Support and Feed” for instructions (or, call and give the order over the phone).

Support + Feed was developed in collaboration with Conscious Cleanup and Eat Drink Vegan, amongst others.

Inspired? Support + Feed offers simple instructions for starting a similar program in your own community.

Photo: © Lars Crommelinck Photography

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