Workspace Company Goes Meat-Free

A move to save 15 million animals

WeWork, a well-known global workspace company, will be going meat-free at staff and member events, and they won’t reimburse employee expenses claims for meals that contain meat!

The change is expected to save more than 15 million animals in the next five years up to 2023. Thank you, WeWork, for making a move to help reduce our impact on the planet and save lives.

meat free office space

WeWork is a fast-growing billion-dollar business that buys and refurbishes office space across the world and rents desks, office suites, or headquarters to companies. They’re innovators in the world of office space, providing, yoga, art installations, camper vans and more. The modern workspaces allow lots of natural light and are created to inspire teams as well as guests. WeWork provides free refreshments including fresh coffee and fruit, as well as classes such as meditation and kickboxing.

To paint a picture of how fast they’re growing, in July 2018 they opened 13 new buildings and added office space to eight existing buildings, in 19 cities across 12 countries, including Asia, China and Hong Kong. That’s a lot of meat-free space!

Saving the animals

Every person eats an average of 7000 animals in a lifetime, and we know that many of the animals are consumed during a work day. If WeWork’s meat-free policy encourages more people to be meat and dairy free, even if it’s just for their lunch break, we’ll be very happy.

Happier lunch breaks

Speaking of lunch breaks, if you like to bring your own lunch, you can check out some of our favourite vegan sandwich recipes.

Grilled portobello-mushrooms and tofu scramble ciabatta

Thinking of trying vegan?

Veganuary inspires and supports people all over the world to try vegan for January and beyond. Millions of people have already taken part.
Will you join them?

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