Growing The Global Movement

In the UK, Veganuary has helped drive a mass shift in consumer habits. Over the last two years, meat-free shoppers have increased by 6.5% and one in four now identify as flexitarian. With Veganuary now a household name in Britain, we are taking all we have learned and expanding it around the world.

In 2024 we also ran campaigns in the US, India, Germany, Spain and Latin America. But we don’t plan to stop there!

In addition to our own campaigns, we partner with like-minded NGOs from France to Singapore who promote Veganuary and veganism in their own languages, and within their own cultures.

All Veganuary’s participants – no matter where they are from – can meet together in a dedicated social media group to share the experience and truly feel like they are part of this mass worldwide movement for a kinder, safer, healthier world.

The most common feedback we hear is: ‘This has changed my life’ and ‘I wish I had done it sooner’.