Veganuary 2016: Six Months On…

The results of our August 2016 survey are in!

It’s been over a half a year since Veganuary. So what’s life like for our 2016 participants now? Lots of you responded to our recent survey and here’s what we found out…

  • So many of you are vegan! Well over half of you now consider yourselves vegan… 63% in fact 🙂
  • And more of you are planning on being vegan in the future!
  • You’re feeling great! In our February survey, 68% of you reported feeling an improvement in your health. After six months of eating vegan, that figure has increased… to 75%!
  • You’re changing the world! A whopping 86% of you are advocates. Thank you so much for getting out there and making our planet a better place!
  • And you’re inspiring others… Since taking part in Veganuary 2016, so many of you have inspired someone you know to go vegan. Now that’s what we call a ripple effect! Thank you so much everyone.

Thinking of trying vegan?

Veganuary inspires and supports people all over the world to try vegan for January and beyond. Millions of people have already taken part.
Will you join them?

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