Will Your Colleagues Go Vegan for January?

Could you encourage your colleagues to try something new to benefit their health and the planet? You could be a Veganuary Workplace Challenge Champion!


January is just around the corner, and we’re excited to launch our Veganuary Workplace Challenge for 2019. We’re asking businesses across the land to try vegan for January, and we’ve compiled everything you need to get your workmates to sign up.

If you’re interested in championing the Veganuary Workplace Challenge in your office, check out our handy 2021 Veganuary workplace challenge guide.

It’s really simple to ask your company to help, and with the benefits of a plant-based diet top of the news agenda we’re sure you’ll agree it’s an excellent idea to take our vegan pledge. By encouraging your colleagues to take part you’ll not only be benefiting their health and that of the planet, but also helping to save the lives of many animals.

Anyone who signs up to the pledge will receive our exclusive Veganuary Celebrity Cookbook, as well as 31 days of helpful support straight to their inbox. We’ll send them everything they need to know about going vegan, from nutrition to shopping, eating out, special offers and more.

Once you’ve downloaded the Veganuary Workplace Challenge Champion guide, follow these easy steps to invite your colleagues to take part:

Talk to your HR department 

If you have an HR department, the team’s main focus is to keep you and your colleagues happy and healthy. By helping you to encourage everyone to join the Veganuary Workplace Challenge, the HR department will be promoting a healthier workforce and encouraging your team to embark on a challenge together.

Chat to them about your plans as a priority – they should also be able to help with ideas to spread the word to your team mates.

Get buy-in from your boss

As well as getting HR on board, it’s also a good idea to speak to your manager to get their buy-in and to ask for any ideas on ramping up the challenge. We’ve written a handy email template that you can send them, and you can also share our Workplace Challenge Guide for Management. 

Recruit your workmates 

Here’s the important (and fun) bit: getting your colleagues to take part. We’ve made it really easy for you to tell them all about the benefits of trying a vegan diet – including an email template, a poster and a digital guide for your coworkers, which contains recipes and more details to kick start the pledge.

Once they’re keen to come on board, if they sign up to the Veganuary challenge, they’ll receive their 31 days of support to their inbox, and the Veganuary Celebrity Cookbook. Yum!

Stock up on (vegan) popcorn

When you sign up to the Workplace Challenge we’ll send you two thought-provoking documentaries: Cowspiracy and What the Health. Arrange a film screening at work to inspire your workmates to kick start their challenge – and create some lively debate! Depending on your country, you might be able to get both documentaries on Netflix, but if you can’t stream online (legally of course!), please let us know and we can send you copies instead.

Tell the canteen

If you have a staff canteen, ask them if they can create some tasty vegan options for those taking part in the challenge. You can email them using this template, and share our catering guide.

Fundraise for the cause

We’d be so grateful if you’re able to fundraise as part of the challenge by asking your friends, family and colleagues to sponsor your efforts. You can set up a Veganuary JustGiving page, and because we’re a registered charity the donations can help us to create more vegans and reduce the environmental impact the meat and dairy industries have on our planet.

Please note, we’re a small team and are exceptionally busy at this time of year, so unfortunately we are unable to offer any customised support for Workplace Challenge Champions, unless they are able to get their colleagues fundraising for us.

If your colleagues are up for fundraising with you, we can set you up a group JustGiving page for your company. That way you can easily share the company fundraising page with your networks and inspire a little competition amongst colleagues. Each fundraiser can keep an eye on how the others are getting on – and spur each other on. Drop us an email and we’ll sort it. What’s more, we’ll send a prize to whoever raises the most money.

Spread the word 

Tell the world about your company’s involvement in the challenge by personalising this press release template and sending it to your local media. You can also share your successes on social media by using the hashtag #VeganuaryWorkplaceChallenge

 Will you accept our mission? Go forth and help us to save the planet!

For more tips on going vegan (which you can also share with colleagues) you’ll find a whole host of tips and recipes here on our website! Sign up now to find out how to go vegan!

Thinking of trying vegan?

Veganuary inspires and supports people all over the world to try vegan for January and beyond. Millions of people have already taken part.
Will you join them?