The Association of UK Dietitians states that “plant-based diets can support healthy living at every age and life stage” and these Veganuary participants certainly prove that point – they were all in their 70s when they took part!
We caught up with Mary, Barbara and Monica to find out how they enjoyed Veganuary, what happened next and to ask if they had any advice for older people who may be thinking about taking part.

Mary, Devon
Long-term vegetarians, Mary and her husband Olly say they did Veganuary 2024 for three reasons.
“We both felt increasingly uncomfortable about consuming any products from animals,” explained Mary. “However good the animal welfare standards, ultimately animals kept for food production have to be slaughtered. Another huge incentive was the negative climate impact of meat production and the large-scale environmental degradation this entails.”
And finally, they thought that improved health would be a bonus! It’s fair to say that the month was a success.
“We thought we’d miss dairy products and eggs, but we don’t,” Mary told us. “We love the variety and taste of vegan recipes. One of our favourites is tagliatelle with spinach, in a creamy sauce made from cashew nuts and nutritional yeast.” Delicious!
Throughout Veganuary, Mary and Olly discovered lots of new ingredients and recipes. “We made more use of pulses and beans, experimented with plant-based alternatives to milk and cheese, became more aware of the nutritional value of nuts, seeds and tofu, and started taking a daily vitamin supplement,” said Mary.
“We definitely feel healthier and fitter, and happy now we are no longer implicated in industrial animal farming.”
For Mary and Olly, Veganuary was just the beginning, and they have become part of the wider vegan community.
“We participate in a monthly vegan bring-and-share lunch and support Exmouth’s Plant Based Treaty,” Mary said. “And at our recent festival we helped with a stall promoting plant-based eating and eco solutions to help the environment.”
A few of the couple’s friends have questioned whether it is a healthy choice at the age of 73, but Mary says that they “try and outline the benefits without being too evangelical and hopefully, we provide a good example of living on a plant-based diet!”

Barbara, Yorkshire
Barbara was inspired by her spiritual beliefs to take part in Veganuary 2024.
“I follow the teachings of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh which include trying not to kill,” she told us. She was also inspired by Planetwise (a vegan shop and cafe) and Nut and Nettle restaurant near to where she lives, which she had been frequenting for almost a year.
Barbara had been pescatarian before dabbling in Veganuary 2023, but 2024 was the year when she says she took it more seriously. Today, she is “almost vegan” and feels healthier as a result of these dietary changes.
“I cook a lot of stir fries using a wide colour palette of vegetables plus smoked tofu/seitan, noodles and nuts, particularly cashews and walnuts,” she says. ‘And I’ve only used oat milk at home for roughly the last year and prefer it to cow’s milk.”
So, what advice does Barbara have for other people who may be thinking about moving towards a vegan diet?
“I’d say just try introducing veganism gradually into your diet but don’t be too rigid and don’t criticise yourself if you’re not perfect because I’m certainly not, but I think you might enjoy your meals more if you do give it a try.”

Monica, Great Yarmouth
Monica also follows a spiritual path of non-violence and became fully vegan during Veganuary 2022 after being vegetarian for more than 30 years.
“I came off all dairy products, having eaten cheese daily most of my life,” she said. “I soon noticed that my sinuses were no longer blocked, and I wasn’t blowing my nose all the time. Next, I realised the phlegm in my throat which made me cough and clear my throat regularly was no longer there. I felt really healthy and energetic. People kept saying to me ‘you have lost weight’, but I wasn’t dieting so I didn’t believe them. When I finally went on the scales, I had lost 5 kilos and dropped a dress size without even dieting!”
Today, Monica says she has no health problems at all and leads a very active life. “I take vitamin supplements, especially vitamin B12, to ensure I get all the nutrients I need and I’m not on any medication.”
And while the health benefits are very welcome, it was the ethical aspect that had drawn Monica to Veganuary. “I love all animals and have two little dogs and would hate to think my dogs, or any animals, would be treated the way farm animals are treated,” she said. “All God’s creatures are sacred in my opinion.”
Did these stories inspire you? Hear from the people who did Veganuary in their 50s and 60s too.