Taking Part in Veganuary in Your 50s

You would be forgiven for thinking that Veganuary attracts only millennials and younger people, but the reality is, there are thousands of people in their 50s and older who take part each year!

Here we catch up with 14 Veganuary alumni, all of them in their 50s when they took part, to find out what switching to a vegan diet for one month did for them.

Mary, London

Mary had suffered from inflammatory pain for almost 20 years when she took part in Veganuary in 2019. “It affected my mobility to the extent that I used a walking stick,” she told us. “I took far too many painkillers, and my lack of mobility meant I gained a lot of weight.

The turning point for me was one morning in late December 2018. I took ages to get out of bed as my joints were so painful. I remember thinking, ‘how about I try a vegan diet! It can’t do me any harm, can it?!’ So I searched ‘how to become a vegan’ and stumbled across a reference to Veganuary. I signed up.”

Mary - Veganuary participant
Mary’s Veganuary story has been life-changing.

Throughout the month Mary stuck to Veganuary 100%. “I downloaded the Celebrity Cookbook and got so much inspiration from the recipes that it inspired me to buy more vegan cookbooks,” she says. “Eliminating meat a few months earlier had already reduced the joint pain I used to suffer, but cooking plant-based whole foods made a massive difference on a whole new level.

By the end of January 2019, the pain in my ankles and knees subsided considerably and I felt so refreshed and invigorated, that I simply stuck with it. Within a few months, my joint pains and stomach problems disappeared completely. I stepped up my activity, began swimming and walked more often and I no longer need a walking stick.”

It’s an extraordinary health transformation but Mary really loves the food too. She is inspired by Korean and Japanese cuisines but often prefers to mix and match flavours as “there are so many to try!”

She follows TurnipVegan on Instagram for more recipe inspiration and loves to cook with tofu, tempeh and seitan. “My diet is now entirely vegan,” she tells us. “It is far more varied, and I eat a lot of raw foods which I wouldn’t have considered before. I won’t ever go back to eating meat, and I’m confident that my family will keep reducing theirs until they become vegan too.”

Nikki, Birkenhead

“As a menopausal woman, I was really at the end of my tether,” says Nikki. “Even HRT had not made much of a difference. When I heard about Veganuary I just thought why not?” But after joining in, Nikki found some doubts starting to creep in! “I did struggle, thinking ‘how am I going to feel full and have the energy to do the job I do which is really physical?’ But I needn’t have worried.”

Nikki found lots of new recipes and surprised her family with just how tasty they are. She took to a plant-based diet easily and soon noticed some welcome changes. There was an improvement not just in her menopause symptoms, but the permanent pain she’d had in her stomach disappeared too. “I now put that down to me not digesting meat well,” she says. “And I don’t suffer heartburn anymore either.”

Veganuary was a success story for Nikki. “It impacted my life greatly, and not just health-wise. “I’ve met lovely new people who work in wellness and now I do yoga and Pilates and have even been on a vegetarian retreat. Before Veganuary, I was unaware of quite how badly animals were treated and bought free-range eggs thinking that was at least something I could do. Veganuary has definitely changed my viewpoint on lots of things that didn’t concern me before.”

Beverley, Devon

A cancer diagnosis in 2022 was the catalyst for Beverley reconsidering her diet and lifestyle. She participated in Veganuary and was surprised at the wide variety of foods and recipes available and how much better she thought they tasted than meat.

“I have definitely become more adventurous with my cooking and discovered many new ways to cook with so many different varieties of food. A new food I found was tofu. I love it! It’s so versatile. How did I never discover this before? I also love aubergines which were never on my shopping list before and loads of spinach. You can chuck that in a dinner, and I love how a massive handful dissolves down in no time and look at all that goodness you are receiving!”

Bev Hurved - Veganuary participant
Beverley has experienced notable health benefits since switching to a plant-based diet

Beverley found so many great vegan cookbooks and recipes and says it’s “so fabulous how you can go out for meals now and most places cater for vegans and offer so many alternative meals which are interesting, not just standard.”

Since taking part in Veganuary, the improvements in her health are noticeable. “I’m not so bloated now and generally feel so much healthier. I love this new way of eating!” Best of all, today, there is no evidence of the disease that spurred her lifestyle change. “And that’s the way I want to keep it,” says Beverley, “so I will do all in my power to make sure what is going into my body is wholesome and good for me.”

Marie, Oldham

Marie participated in Veganuary 2018 and says it was a “pivotal moment” in her journey towards a fully plant-based lifestyle. “My compassion for animals led me to become vegetarian in the mid-1980s,” she says “which eventually inspired my career as a nutritionist. However, I felt compelled to do more, which is why Veganuary appealed to me.”

During Veganuary, Marie found that transitioning to a fully vegan diet was easier than she had anticipated. “I found I could still eat well and enjoy a diverse range of foods,” she says. “Veganism has expanded my culinary horizons. I’ve discovered new ingredients, such as tahini, miso, and nutritional yeast and I regularly use these in my plant-based dishes that I love to cook.”

And how did she feel in herself? “Since adopting a vegan lifestyle, I’ve noticed significant improvements in my physical health. I feel more energetic and vibrant. I am rarely ill and when I do catch the odd cold, I recover quickly. My mental health has also benefited. I experience a greater sense of peace and alignment with my values, knowing that my lifestyle choices are truly compassionate.”

For Marie, taking part in Veganuary has been an incredibly positive experience and it inspired her to deepen her knowledge further about nutrition. “I took part in the inaugural Food Revolution Network plant-based coaching course. I’m now better equipped to guide clients interested in plant-based diets, drawing from both my professional knowledge and personal experience.”

That online course introduced Marie to some wonderful new friendships which solidified when her group met up in person at Vegan Camp Out. “The benefits I’ve experienced have made veganism a non-negotiable part of my life, and I’m grateful for the improvements I’ve seen since starting this journey.”

Barbara, Kent

Barbara had been vegetarian for 20 years before taking part in Veganuary 2018. She took part in support of her daughter-in-law who had read about the plight of animals within the dairy industry and decided to switch to a vegan diet. “I decided that I could do better to support animal welfare,” says Barbara and together they embarked on this new journey.

Barbara Cousins - Veganuary participant
Barbara was a long-term vegetarian before taking part in Veganuary

“After a month of a vegan diet I felt my body was benefitting from no dairy and I realised I didn’t want to go back to my vegetarian diet. I invested in some new cookbooks (I love a cookbook!) and suddenly was immersed in a world of new and exciting ingredients and recipes. I’ve always cooked from scratch but now cooking wasn’t a chore, it was fun to use new ingredients and find ways to ‘veganise’ old favourites. We eat a greater variety of foods and cooking has become a joy again.”

A firm favourite in Barbara’s household is tofu, both firm and silken varieties, because of its versatility. “It works well in the cuisines of many countries and is great to eat both plain and marinated and in sweet treats.” Barbara also loves baking and says that her cakes are a firm favourite at home, with friends, and at work. “There are never any leftovers!” she says.

Even Barbara’s husband of 40 years has been inspired and now sticks to a vegetarian diet with most of his meals also being vegan. And Barbara’s daughter eats mainly vegetarian and vegan, too. It seems that Barbara’s decision to take part in Veganuary has rippled out beautifully into the world!

Nicky, Wokingham

As Nicky entered her 50s, she started to think more about what she was eating. “I was finding it hard to keep weight off my middle area but also my headaches were getting worse and lasting longer. I started listening to so many menopause podcasts and reading up on it and realised diet and exercise could really help with the symptoms, so it spurred me on to look at different options.”

Around the same time, she had started to watch documentaries about conditions for animals on farms and knew she did not want to contribute to their suffering. She was also learning more about ultra-processed foods and wanted to switch to whole foods. It all came together for Nicky, and she took part in Veganuary 2024.

“I am definitely less bloated and have started to lose a little weight around my middle,” she says. “It wasn’t why I tried Veganuary, but it has been a welcome benefit. I’ve also enjoyed cooking more as it’s made me try new recipes with new ingredients and generally be a bit more adventurous! It’s also cut the food bill massively as we are buying less meat and thinking about reducing waste by eating everything we buy.”

Nicky reports that she feels much healthier generally and more alert. “I think the main reason I am feeling healthier is my diet is actually more varied than it’s ever been as I’m trying to stick to the philosophy of eating 30 different plants a week, which came from Michael Moseley’s podcast.”

Nicky didn’t start Veganuary with the aim of converting her husband to veganism but says that he really enjoys what she cooks and now eats vegan with her about four times a week. That’s what we call the Veganuary Effect!

Samantha, Derbyshire

“We watched a documentary on how animals were treated,” explains Samantha, “and we didn’t like what we saw.” In fact, she and her partner were both so moved by the conditions that farmed animals must live in that they did Veganuary 2024.

Sam Ratclliff - Veganuary participant
Samantha encourages people to give Veganuary a go

They threw themselves in, started cooking everything from fresh and eating less processed food. And they soon found that they were wasting less too. All great outcomes! And while Samantha took part to prevent animals from suffering on farms, there were some additional benefits that she noticed, too. “I have more energy, clearer skin, and I’m not as creaky,” she says. We can definitely relate to that!

Since Veganuary, Samantha and her partner have remained vegetarian and particularly love a pad Thai full of delicious vegetables. “I’m still battling with tofu,” she admits. “The jury’s out but we keep trying!” Their food must be tasty because when they invite friends for dinner, they seem surprised at how tasty meat-free food can be.

“People should give Veganuary a go,” says Samantha. “If people associated meat with a living animal, I think their outlook would change.”

More Veganuary Participants in Their 50s

  • Nora from Leeds says her digestion has improved since she took part in Veganuary, and she feels lighter. “I’m so glad I don’t eat animal flesh anymore,” she says. “It’s bothered me for years.”
  • Maria from Dorset took part in Veganuary 2024. “The biggest improvements for me are my energy levels have soared, and my debilitating menopause symptoms have disappeared completely,” she reports. “I keep pinching myself.”
  • Jenny from Sheffield found that as soon as she switched to a plant-based diet, she felt less bloated, her skin looked better, and her digestive system became less inflamed. “I had not expected this and was surprised at how much better I felt. This spurred me to keep going. I have been vegan for five years now and have no regrets about making the change. It has all been positive.”
  • Lisa from Devon took part in Veganuary just as she was turning 50 when she was starting to experience hot flushes. “I feel healthier, and I have more energy,” she reports. “Now I feel amazing.”
  • Erica from Derbyshire did Veganuary 2021. She loves to get her food inspiration from Those Vegan Guys on YouTube and reports that she feels healthier since switching to a vegan diet and is not as tired.
  • Fiona from Lancashire found a new community of friends in some of the vegan Facebook groups where they support one another and swap recipes. Since taking part in Veganuary, she says “I feel less bloated and have more energy.”
  • Lesley from Nottingham took part in Veganuary 2021 during a Covid lockdown. “I’d been vegetarian for a long time before but even so, I found it remarkably easy to make the transition. As well as finding a real purpose in life (my main motivation is animal welfare) I’ve never felt so well. Win win!” Today, Lesley works as a vegan baker, creating incredible and delicious cakes which she sells at local vegan markets, where she has also found a lovely, like-minded community.

Tips From People in Their 50s About Eating Vegan

Mary, Beverley, and Barbara have some invaluable advice for anyone in their 50s, or older, who may be thinking about taking part in Veganuary.

1. Make Small Changes

“A change in diet can seem quite intimidating to start with,” says Barbara, “but small changes can make a big difference. I started by buying a vegan cookbook and trying out a couple of recipes, it was amazing how quickly our weekly food plan became all vegan meals.”

Bev agrees. “Anyone saying they can’t change a lifetime of food habits, you can. Just start with small steps and small changes and experiment. Even if twice a week you decide to do it and then do it three times and gradually make small changes.”

2. Explore New Foods

“For anyone ‘older’ thinking about taking part in Veganuary, I’d say try it, you definitely won’t regret it!” advises Barbara.

“You will be introduced to a whole new array of exciting food. I was in my 50s when I became vegan, I turned 60 earlier this year and I have a new enthusiasm for cooking, baking and exploring new recipes and ingredients.”

3. Ease Yourself In

“I went all in,” says Mary, “but if you find that idea scary, try Veganuary ‘lightly’ by simply trying a few items at a time. That might mean just starting with the breakfasts, or just the mains or just the sweet treats from the free Celebrity Cookbook. Or you could try the Veganuary one pot meals, or the budget meals so that you don’t feel like you’re spending a lot of money on something you might not like. The fact is, if you want different results, you must do things differently. So, try Veganuary once.”

4. Give it a Go!

“For anyone in their 50s, 60s, or 70s thinking of taking part in Veganuary, go for it!” says Mary. “I’m a few months shy of 60. My skin is clearer and brighter, I feel healthier in myself, lighter and more mobile. A plant-based diet really has given me a new lease of life, and I’m never going back.”

If these stories inspired you, read about the experiences of Veganuary participants who took part in their 60s and 70s too.

Thinking of trying vegan?

Veganuary inspires and supports people all over the world to try vegan for January and beyond. Millions of people have already taken part. Will you join them?