Christmas Pud Ice Cream

The Vegan Chef School, Penny Turnbull

Christmas Pud Ice Cream by Chef Student Penny Turnbull
Prep Time: 15M
Serves: 6

This is a chocolatey version of a Christmas classic. It is just as rich and flavoursome as a Christmas pud.

Makes 6 portions.
Prep Time: 15 minutes

There's more what this came from!


125g cashews, soaked for 30 minutes in hot water

400ml/1 can full fat coconut milk

100g chocolate spread

2tbsp cocoa powder

50g coconut sugar, or other fine sugar

260g dried fruit, we used 100g sultanas, 80g cherries, 50g chopped apricots and 30g cranberries

60ml brandy or orange juice

30g blanched almonds, finely chopped

This is a chocolatey version of a Christmas classic. It is just as rich and flavoursome as a Christmas pud.

Makes 6 portions.
Prep Time: 15 minutes


Blend the cashews, coconut milk, chocolate spread, cocoa powder and sugar until very smooth. Pour it into a bowl and freeze overnight.

Put the dried fruit in a bowl with the brandy or orange juice. Allow to soak overnight, this will make the fruit juicy and soft.

The next day remove the ice cream from the freezer. Allow it to melt slightly, mix in the fruit and almonds. Put the ice cream into one large round bowl or 6 small spherical moulds. Allow to chill for 4 hours.

Remove the ice cream from the bowls onto a serving plate. Scatter with a little cocoa and edible dust. Dress with holly or mint.

For a spiced pud add 2-3tsp ground cinnamon and ½-1tsp ground nutmeg. 

You can add grated orange zest to the recipe.  

To remove the puds from the bowls either leave on the counter for 5-10 minutes or place in a bowl of warm water.  

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