Creamy Simple Soup

Peter Marezana at Unpretentious Café

Vegan creamy simple soup

There's more what this came from!


  1. Vegetable Stock Cube
  2. 200g Carrots diced
  3. 200g Swede diced
  4. 200g Potato diced
  5. 1 Onion
  6. Parsley
  7. Garlic finely chopped
  8. 500ml Non dairy milk
  9. Pumpkin Seeds (or any topping you like)


So we’ve all had that point where the vegetable drawer in the bottom of the fridge looks bountiful. The question is how to make these forgotten rogue characters work together for the greater good… (no this is not the plot for an Avengers movie). Turn them into a creamy vegetable soup!

*will need hand blender

  1. Dice and chop your vegetables.
  2. In a large pot, bring 1 litre of water to boil. Dissolve the vegetable stock cube into the water before adding the vegetables.
  3. cover them with a lid and bring to the boil.
  4. simmer over a low to moderate heat.
  5. once your veggies have reached your required softness you should be around the 30 minute mark.
  6. pour out water and blend your vegetables.
  7. mix in your non-dairy milk of choice and heat to a sufficient temperature.
  8. feel free to garnish your creation with a topping of your choosing (in he photograph pumpkin seeds have been used)

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