Curried Bean Burgers in Portabello Buns

Healthy and Psyched

curried bean burger
Prep Time: 10M
Cooking Time: 35M
Serves: 3

Beans are a staple in the vegan diet but they can get a bad rep as being boring. Spice them up in this healthy curried bean burger recipe. Serve with portabello mushroom buns and baked sweet potato fries for a veggie packed feast.

Serves 3 – 4.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius.

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Burgers and ‘buns’:

  • 2 cartons (400g drained) cannellini beans
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 1 large parsnip
  • 2 portobello mushrooms per person (or a bun of your choice)
  • 1/3 ripe avocado per person
  • 2 tbsp chickpea flour (can substitute for another kind of flour)
  • 4 tbsp tomato puree
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 1 1/2 tbsp curry powder
  • 1 tsp paprika powder
  • 1 tsp chilli powder
  • Grind of pepper

Sweet potato fries:

  • 1 small- medium sweet potato per person
  • glug of olive oil
  • salt & pepper

Beans are a staple in the vegan diet but they can get a bad rep as being boring. Spice them up in this healthy curried bean burger recipe. Serve with portabello mushroom buns and baked sweet potato fries for a veggie packed feast.

Serves 3 – 4.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius.


  • Peel and grate the carrots and parsnip and put them on a baking tray to roast for about 5 minutes. Rinse and drain the beans, then transfer them to a bowl and mash with a fork. Add in the spices and 2 table spoons tomato puree then mash again. Next mix in the carrot, parsnip and chickpea flour. You should have a stiff dough that sticks together.
  • Take a handful of the mixture and shape it into a burger patty. Place on a floured baking tray. Do this until you have 6-8 burgers. Put the burgers into the oven to cook for 30 minutes, turning once.
  • To make the sweet potato fries peel the sweet potatoes and cut them into chip shapes. Make sure not to make them too fat otherwise they will take too long to cook! Place all of the fries on a baking tray with room between them and coat with a glug of olive oil. Season with salt and pepper and put in the oven to bake for 30 minutes.
  • To make the ‘buns’ remove the mushroom stork and peel off the skin. Place the mushrooms on a baking tray and put it in the oven once the burgers have been cooking for 20 minutes. Turn the burgers over if you haven’t done so already. After 5 minutes turn over the mushrooms.
  • Mix the remaining 2 table spoons of tomato puree with two table spoons of water to make a quick tomato sauce. Then mash the avocado.
  • Remove the mushrooms and burgers from the oven. The mushrooms should have softened but still be able to hold the weight of the burgers. Make the burger by layering a mushroom with tomato sauce, a curried bean burger, avocado, a second burger and a mushroom.
  • The fries should be done by now so remove them from the oven and serve with the burgers.

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