Sweet Porridge with Nuts, Seeds and Dried Fruit

Heena Modi

Vegan porridge
Prep Time: 5M
Cooking Time: 5M
Serves: 1

This recipe makes a nourishing, warm and satisfying breakfast, which is quick and easy to make.

This recipe serves 1 and takes 10 minutes
(Cooking Time: 5 minutes
Prep Time: 5 minutes)

There's more where this came from!


  • 3 tablespoons of porridge oats
  • 1/2 mug of water
  • 1/4/ mug of milk – rice milk, oat milk, soya milk or hemp milk
  • 1 pinch of cardamom
  • 1 tablespoon of seeds and 1 tablespoon of fruit – I used the following
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Dried mango
  • Dried papaya
  • Raisins
  • Brazil nuts

This recipe makes a nourishing, warm and satisfying breakfast, which is quick and easy to make.

This recipe serves 1 and takes 10 minutes
(Cooking Time: 5 minutes
Prep Time: 5 minutes)


  • Put half a mug of water in a pan – you can also add 1/4 of a mug of milk OR replace the water with milk
  • Add the cardamom
  • Add the oats
  • Let it boil until it reaches the consistency you like
  • Serve in a bowl
  • Add some pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries, pecan nuts, chopped walnuts and any other nuts or dried/fresh fruit that you desire

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