Cauliflower makes a delicious crispy low carb pizza base and it’s flavour is virtually unnoticeable once the base is super crispy. When combined with the deep savoury umami flavour of the tomato sauce, the sweetness of the roasted veg and savoury flavour of the vegan cheese substitute, nutritional yeast – you cannot go wrong!
Cauliflower makes a delicious crispy low carb pizza base and it’s flavour is virtually unnoticeable once the base is super crispy. When combined with the deep savoury umami flavour of the tomato sauce, the sweetness of the roasted veg and savoury flavour of the vegan cheese substitute, nutritional yeast – you cannot go wrong!
The key to making a great cauliflower crust pizza is by making a cauliflower crumb and then dehydrating it, so that as much moisture is squeezed out as possible, allowing the remaining crumb to be turned into a crispy pizza base. (If you don’t squeeze out the moisture, the base will be all soggy). You will be surprised with the amount of liquid which comes out! But this delicious grain-free pizza is well worth the effort.
There are two ways you can dehydrate your cauliflower crumb: the more time-consuming method is by putting the cooked cauliflower crumb in a tea-towel or two and wringing out the moisture. (I think of this as stress relief!). Alternatively, if you are lucky enough to have a juicer, you can simply feed cauliflower florets through the juicer and collect the residual crumb and mix this directly with the remaining pizza base ingredients. (No need to cook before using!).
So why not give this recipe a go, to create a delicious vegan pizza chock full of vegetables!
Hello! I am So from SOBODYUK. I am a gym bunny, healthy food blogger & a geeky scientist! These days my lab is the kitchen! I love creating delicious, healthy, wholefood, clean-eating, nutrition-dense recipes to maximise performance & health. My recipes include paleo, low carb, vegan, vegetarian, gluten free.
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