Vegan Horlicks Porridge


Prep Time: 2M
Cooking Time: 5M
Serves: 3

Recipe provided by Horlicks and Luce Hosier

Serves: 3
Prep Time: 2 minutes
Cooking Time: 5 minutes

For more recipe inspiration, head over to our website to download our recipe book

Feeling inspired? Why not try this vegan Horlicks brownie recipe?

There's more what this came from!


170g porridge oats  

50g Horlicks Vegan 

550ml dairy-free milk 

Fresh berries 

Peanut butter 


Cacao nibs  

Dairy free yoghurt  

Recipe provided by Horlicks and Luce Hosier

Serves: 3
Prep Time: 2 minutes
Cooking Time: 5 minutes

For more recipe inspiration, head over to our website to download our recipe book

Feeling inspired? Why not try this vegan Horlicks brownie recipe?


  1. Simply add the oats, Horlicks Vegan and milk to a pan and cook on a low to medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring frequently.  
  2. Add some more milk should you want them a runnier consistency. 
  3. Top with yoghurt, peanut butter, fresh fruit, hazelnuts and cacao nibs or your favourite porridge toppings. Enjoy! 

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