What a fabulous start to 2017! At the end of the first week of February, we sent out a survey to the Veganuary 2017 participants. This is what they told us…
- 77% ate vegan food for all of January!*
Of the 23% who did not eat vegan food for the month, 75% were vegan over 50% of the time. And of that 75%, most ate a completely vegetarian diet for all of January. Also, many people are including small slip-ups as failing to complete the entire month, whereas we regard it as a natural part of transitioning. It’s a learning curve! It’s also worth mentioning that a high proportion of omnivores (76%) and pescetarians (75%) completed an entire vegan month. That’s a really fantastic effort by all.
- 97% feel healthier after taking part!**
And 87% have noticed an increase in their energy levels, with another 87% also confirming some weight loss.
- 67% are staying vegan!*
Such amazing news! This figure is made up of 59% of the meat-eaters who responded to our survey, 64% of the pescetarians, and a whopping 75% of vegetarians. Interestingly, 21% are unsure of whether they’re staying vegan or not…
- A huge number are reducing their consumption of animal products!*
95% have stopped eating or reduced their consumption of meat from cows, 94% have stopped eating or reduced their consumption of pigs, and 92% have stopped eating or reduced consumption of chickens. This is life-changing news for animals like Rocky, Ernie and Little Eric!
- 99% recommend Veganuary!*
Veganuary is very much a sum of its parts… We’re nothing without the people who take part. Thank you for trying vegan with us, and for recommending the experience to others. It will make a world of difference to the animals, and to our planet.
(Scroll down.)

We believe that Veganuary is one of the most innovative vegan charities on the planet, and your feedback is essential to our growth and development. The information collated helps us to track our impact, assess our communication and campaigning style, and improve our support and resource packages for the following year. No Veganuary is the same, as each campaign is shaped by the comments collected from participants the year before. Midway through the year, we survey our participants again to find out how life has moved on post-Veganuary (next survey: August 2017).
Please keep giving us your feedback, as your needs shape everything we do.
Note: 8,796 non-vegans (prior to January) completed the Veganuary 2017 Participant Survey; including 3,378 omnivores, 1,566 pescetarians, and 3,852 vegetarians. 10,304 people who already identified as vegan took part in Veganuary 2017, but for the purposes of reporting we have removed them (and their responses) from the figures above.
*Of Veganuary 2017 Survey respondents.
**Of those who answered this question in the survey.